Camping on Kirirom mountain - Kampong Speu, Cambodia

Go Camping on Kirirom Mountain

February 09, 2019
Leaving my comfort zone made me reconsidered over and over again. Especially, knowing that a place I was going to was far from village where house and toilet were unavailable.

Eating and sleeping got me nothing to worry about, but not having an enclosed and clean restroom was the main issue. I did not even use to be shirtless in an open area. Imagine how I could go through it was not easy at all. But a thought that brought me to that mountain was "women still can do it, how come a man like me can not?"

It was at mid-noon when the weather was so hot, but not that extreme enough to burn everyone to ashes, so I did not need to wear extra shirt to avoid melting(?). haha

We had to hike for two hours and half in this beautiful pine forest so as to reach a suitable place for setting up our tents. It was about 8 kilometers away from the drop off point, said tour leader.

Deep into the forest, there was no more disturbing sound from vehicle. Only the sweetie voice from birdies and wild insects which were drifting over sometime. But, once in a while, there was also a few motorbikes drove pass heading to the same direction, left us nothing but a big smoke of dust. The flying red dust.

Our shoes turned to different color, covered by thick dirt. I was not sure if our head and clothes would look the same, but we looked fine in photos anyway! xD

At night, we set up campfire, and this was one of the most interesting activity during the trip on this Kirirom Mountain. I loved how we all were together at the burning woods to share each other experience during school time and each love life. Somewhat, it dig out both good and bad memories which is worth remembering.

As a person who is really love to listen or read or watch about other people's life, that chitchat was really special, even though it was not deep enough, yet it still helped me know things I had never confronted before. So I still be able to write it down on some occasions at somewhere else. Maybe here!

There was also the thing when certain people went in parallel: "There may be a reason for someone to hurt you, but there is no reason for you to do the same thing on the new comer." they said. "There is always a person who seems bad to us, yet being nice to another. There is also a person who is nice with us, and be a bad person to someone else. Move on, and do not stress over it. That is how life goes." Added an older man.

Next day, 10th, we woke up early in the morning. We had plan to see sunrise and fog on top of the mountain.

So how often did you wake up like this? To felt like you wanted to stay awake more than having your eyes closed because of seeing all of that beautiful nature was not going to happen everyday. 

To wake up and found yourself free from duties. You were just laying down and relaxed with the surrounding; the sound of wind at top of pine trees, the natural music from cicadas, and the stunning sunshine which came through trees.

Sun is free, but oftentimes we missed it, for we kind of busy hiding ourselves in building and sticking our eyes on light screen. 

Let take some time, clear our eyes and clean our thought with the nature...


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