Pancak Harfat Jaya Misool - Indonesia

Pancak Harfat Jaya Misool - Indonesia

Such as a quite good atmosphere where a morning at the remote island got drizzling, and the sky went less light as if it was at dawn while actually it was a really late morning. It made the nature looked fresher and alive.

            When I stepped out of the boat, the small and soft liquid started to drop upon my skin. I felt the cold, and smelled the fresh air; the smell of nature and wet stuffs.

            The surrounding was completely quiet, only a sound of rain drops. Felt like I was at a scene of a romantic and sad MV.

            The sea was so calm, no shoreline, but a million marks of the dropping water from sky.

            After spending a moment on the wet wooden dock for some pictures, we continued to the slippery and steep stair which was going to lead us to the top of the mountain. The stair run across the forest and attached to the mountain rock. Some rock which located above our head got wet and dropped water one by one made the situation looked more fantastic. Made me wanted to stop here just to view it.

            At the top, I was surprised to see the stunning view of plenty of islets which I had never seen before. The further ones went fade into the rain. The sea was in dark green and looked like a blur glass, and some part were in light green, for how deep it was, I guessed.

            Felt like I was in fantasy movie, yet it was real, the real heaven on earth I wished to never leave. 

            May 29, 2018.

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